Okay this is a bit of a wierd one... I have a casting coming up where i need 2 real-life confessions for a screen test. Does anyone know where i can get hold of some which i could adapt/ pinch/ borrow...
A tutor asked me, if I knew the connection between Tess of the d'ubervilles and Macbeth, and not neccessarily those two as characters but the plays in general. I suggested that she was once happy and...
The olsen twins are now about 16 and have there own production company having starred in quite a lot of films (one of which, our lips are sealed (dire) i watched the other day, and tv series. But, I...
single of 2002. I know the majority of the chart singles is utter p|$h but there must have been some gems out there. My favourite song was Moony - Dove closely follwed by Idlewild - American English,...
On yesterday nights episode there was music before the break when the woman was riding around on the horse and it had strings in it and what sounded like a faint heart monitor sound as a rhythem. I...
Does anybody know some good sad songs? I want some quite modern ones, with nice meaningful lyrics but also some classics like adagio for strings. stuff that can move you to tears! please.
I am a bit confused. I watched Phatom Menace the other day having seen no other Star Wars films. In it was Queen Amidala or something and she was in her teens. Also Anakin Skywalker who was about 10....
At the begining credits of Fame Academy the dancers are wearing baggy, military style trousers....does anyone know where I can get a pair or who makes them.
Does anyone out there feel that, despite all the publicity it's been given, the TV version of Deadringers isn't actually very funny? It worked better on radio, as the voices were usually spot-on, but...
Does anyone know the title of the song that goes: Zippadee do dah.........& what animated film was it in? I just can't remember that far back. Thanx in anticipation.
Further to the epissode Lisa The Iconoclast and Jebediah's quote 'A noble spirit embiggens the smallest man.' Is embiggens a real word? And how about cromulent, used by Skinner?
What can you do if you are overwhelmlingly in love with a famous celebrity who is not only out of your league but completely out of reach? I've just always wanted to know what those crying, screaming,...