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Anyone know how I can calculate, reasonably accurately, the most northerly and southerly extremes where the sun will appear to rise and set in summer and winter. I live in South Norfolk, U.K. I guess...
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as i was flying across the atlantic the other day i had a thought. at what altitude does rain stop falling. i presume it can only be up to where the clouds stop. never seen rain out of an aeroplane at...
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hi. i was wondering what qualifications (if any) i need to be a family liasons officer for the police force, i have a very good idea of the role but i dont know anyone who works as this proffesion, do...
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sorry if this is in the wrong section but i need a quote/source asap. someone told me once that laminated paper and products take like 150million years to degrade. i need a source for this quote, I'm...
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I have just rented a property and the gas ignition doesn't work. Ive told the landlady and she said to use one of those clicker things you can buy. I do not think it is safe to use anything to ignite...
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what came first the chicken of the egg?
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you use your the evaluation of your skills and knowledge to improve your work skills
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I hate throwing either of these items away. Does anybody know of a means of usefully recycling them? (Putting them to other good uses, or organisations which can make use of them?)
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Hi I've been looking for a ship named Ellen Catharine - I think it is a cargo ship and it has been sighted about 10 years ago in the south cost of Brazil. Could anyone help me to find out where it is,...
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Robert G
If I were to inherit, say, ?200,000, and wanted to give it all immediately to my daughter, is there any legal reason why I couldn't do this? (ie receive the money into my bank account and then write...
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Is it possible to record a tape onto either CD or onto the PC. If yes then can someone please explain how. thanks.
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Do I need to take a brolly? Thanks in advance
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Thought 'Garden' was closest! Anyway, around our way (Northants) there seem to be loads of fields of bamboo. I know one particular farmer has been growing this for about 4 years, but this year there...
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plant boy
can someone please tell me when and how far back to prune a 4 foot hydrangea in a pot? thankyou in advance
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craig & jo
Dear Answerbank, We have a caryopteris plant in the garden and we want to know if we need to do anything to protect it from the winter. many thanks
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I am working full time in retail and am on minimum wage. My friend says because my pay is so low I can claim tax credits. I live with my partner ( were not married), no kids and we have just bought a...
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I think I am about to ask the world's stupidist question here. Does anyone know where you can buy homes for less than ?100k? I recall looking about 5 years ago in Salford and Wales where you could get...
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Hi, I have been given a plant which my friend called a japanese rose. It has a beautiful deep purple flower on it, very like a rose, and two more buds to come.Does anyone know it's proper name please,...
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Hi my friend is just about to receive a compensation award and is in a quandry about where to put it. After paying off debts etc she will be left with around ?190000. The problem is she doesn't work...
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i was charged with a crime when i was 16 years old .i was given 1 year on probation .i am now 30 year old will this still be my record?

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