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I watched Call the Midwife last night and was disappointed. I felt the acting was really wooden compared to the previous episodes. I had really looked forward to watching it as well....
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I had my spinal op last Saturday (8th Dec) and was allowed home on Monday 10th. I'm wearing the white elastic stockings and took them off to have a shower this morning. I noticed that my right foot is...
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Hello. Stuck on the last one: Nordic hotel is beyond second of offices. 4 letters -i-n The only thing which I can think of is Finn but for no reason whatever....
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Just counted 9 goldfinches on my bird feeders and it's made me feel really happy! I wanted to share it with you all who love to see the birds....
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Just counted 9 goldfinches on my bird feeders and it's made me feel really happy! I wanted to share it with you all who love to see the birds....
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7 down "I say nothing". 3 letters, I have E - O Is it Ego and if so why?...
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I've just entered a question on the thread: St. Guthlac's Ladies' Guild 'Coast To Coast' Quiz, yet it isn't appearing on any of the current threads. I also attempted to report it to Ed, but my...
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For some time I have sent messages to my daughter on Facebook - she is not a friend as she doesn't want me to know what she's up to, but she has never replied to them. It occurred to me that she might...
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Hello - I'm asking this on behalf of a friend. I don't know who is the compiler of the quiz or the name of it. Hope someone can help. “I’m snuggled in a flower” – 6 words to...
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I'm stuck on 6 down - Rose phoned in and changed the order, ten letters, I have r-a-r-n-e-r I have only managed to make the word Roadrunner, but can't match the clue to that at all. Help appreciated....
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Bad Back Hello, Hoping someone might be able to tell me what is wrong with my back. I woke up about a week ago and found that I have sharp pains in the bottom of my spine/tops of my legs when I am...
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Hello, Hoping someone might be able to tell me what is wrong with my back. I woke up about a week ago and found that I have sharp pains in the bottom of my spine/tops of my legs when I am standing. No...
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Please can anyone help with my final few - answers are places on mainland Britain, and follow a logical order, although I haven't quite discovered the setter's logic!! No letters given: 13. Across the...
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This has to be in on Saturday, and I'm absolutely stumped on Q.10: If tamed use for catching your dinner. No number of letters given. I thought I'd got it with Angler Fish, but that isn't native to...
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Can anyone help with my last one, please. I think the answer might be Mohair, but would like an explanation as to why. Locks on to second fabric, 6 letters. _O_A_R...
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This has to be in by next Wednesday, so help would be appreciated to solve these, my last few. The title of the quiz is "Where in the World?" I wondered if Number 1 might be Chicago and 49...
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I haven't been able to enter my unique code for this - I keep getting told it's not valid. Has anyone else had a problem? I've tried to contact Pink Lady but had no response.
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I have just got BT Vision, and now my grandson (19) who lives with me is complaining that he can't get his signals as quickly as he used to do. My internet speed is about 7.5Mb and I was advised that...
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I've just stopped crying after watching this. It was so lovely. Absolutely magical.
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Please can anyone give me little clue about the brand which is featured on Compers News Facebook today? It's of a cow's 'nose' and I have spent most of the afternoon searching all sorts of logos....

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