Having read an article in a magazine that according to food standards agency we should not wash chickens as half of the chickens we eat are contaminated with camplyobacter and by washing the chicken...
Does anybody know the title and artist of the song that has the lyrics: I dontwant nobody, I dont want nobody baby, but you, something bout your body? Its a dance track!
Hello everyone! Arman Tamzarian reporting for duty. It's like fkn Baghdad round here with all the fireworks but that doesn't worry an ex-marine like me. I'm used to it! Pay attention at the back...
my wife insists that it has rained more this year than she can ever remember, i said she is just a bit loopy ,what do you think ?(about the rain not my wife)
On Richard and Judy,last Friday,they were do ing an item about an annual they're bringing out in time for Christmas,which is going to be basically,the best of Jackie!! .....I think it will include old...
We are off on the pull and we wanted a second opinion. Do you think we have a good chance? http://tinypic.com/f520i9.jpg - Me http://tinypic.com/f520lh.jpg - Dak
I had a picture of myself which I really didn't like coz one of my eyes looked smaller than the other.. (Lol) so I played around with it on the 'Photosuite' and I am now happy to say it looks great....