I am horrified to read in today's Daily Mail that only 16 percent of the population make an effort to watch the Queen's Speech on Christmas Day. I have never missed one and take great pride in seeing...
My neighbour who is in his 70's went to get some fish and chips for their tea. Coming from the fish shop to his car, three lads rowdy lads came by, knocked him back onto the ground and then jumped...
I brush my teeth regularly, never miss my twice yearly dental appt. who tells me my teeth and gums are fine and healthy, but yet I am still suffering........ :-(
Prince Willie having done his customary two weeks training has now been made an army "officer" My maternal grandfather fought in the great war and was shot and mustard gassed in the great war and died...
Where has the snow gone? :( I remember bout 10 years ago we had easily 2 or 3 inches of snow in most parts of the UK. Climate change is rapidly changing. Does anyone have snow by them if so how deep...
Hi all. The problem i have is that im slightly concerned about the fact that every single morning when i wake up i cough and spit blood from my throat down the toilet. I dont do it violently its not...
is there any one out there who cant watch tv without the subtitles on? i have perfectly good hearing but i find it impossible to concentrate without them on, i know of only one other person who does...
What strange questions have you been asked or that you have asked? I went for lunch in a lovely new tapas bar earlier and am thinking of chosing there for a hot date I have next weekend. I asked him...
So , French police have all of a sudden carried out a test on the blood of the chauffeur again , which now ' proves' he was drunk . Surely a blood test to ascetain if someone is drunk or not isn't a...