New Shoots - On the Box. 3. Current happenings wide acting group (News ...?) 21. Questions theatre booklets ( ....... Programmes?) Farleigh creatures. 18. Put up th flags (7). 31. Hot number of square...
Hi we need help with the following cryptic clues to names of Animal, they can be birds, inscets, mammals, fish general types of fauna such as marsupial or amphibian, or mythical beasts. We have...
27 Green mode of transport (7) 34 Cowardly (8) 51 You get it in the neck here (5) 58 Anthony's crossing (10) 60 Old new year (5) 66 Prod the angel (5,7) 76 Swindler (5) 97 Siriusx (9) 98 Temple Many...
hi can anyone help me with these last few - closing date is fast approaching 16 johns home town (9) 21 Give directions to relations .... of a kind (5) 27 Green mode of transport (7) 56 Turns up...
52.'acorn 9 48.log basket 9 46.rifle through the place to find this 10 55.went passed at great speed 5 56.turns up healthily 8 this is oddbods quiz and will be in the bin soon,still loads to get !!!!
stuck if anyone can help thanks 19.----and stop when you get here 9 mode of transport 7 35.sounds like he could be cooking outdoors9 45. janes ted 9
Birds with a colour in their name 1 sable jules begin 2 What colour shirts are the first choice for the dutch football team . 3 What family of birds include species A red & black B Golden & grey C...
TV programmes past or present Principle guess? Where a football match may be played? Prince on a mountain,windy viewing? Happens to kings and queens? Many thanks for any help.