"I've never really adapted to monogamy"....
(Long-Lost Lawrence to Ken. Like father, like son, like mother-in-law... Hilarious).
I do miss Blanche though :-(...
Saw Judy Finnegan on TV earlier this morning . Now , really i'm not criticising her for her looks ( none of us have got control over how we age ) , but isn't she looking old and a bit haggard , for...
OK so it's a bit of a random question but that's what AB is about.......I can remember listening to my grandad's 'Albert' watch. He died before I was 3.
The front slider on my Sony Ericsson mobile is damaged (I dropped it!) but I only bought the phone in March and don't want to buy a new one yet. Can just the slider be replaced?
The Daily Mail Quick Crossword for today has the downward clue of "male parent" which is clearly FATHER this confused me as the across answer was obviously MISHAP and did not begin with an F...
Am I the only person who thinks this is rubbish? I heard all the hype about Which saying it was great but I have just done my washing and a couple of things have had to go back in the machine and it...
I don't! A local elderly woman, alcoholic at that, has just called me a "lazy fat cow" because I couldn't help her with her bags. In my defence, I had 3 of my own bags and a fluffin obvious...