Some strong views in the comments following this story.
Another mad convert.
Indian woman seeks asylum in Ireland for an rape abortion that was denied and she died after being ceasored at 24weeks. If the baby survives it will be put into Care. aljazeera news broadcasts show...
I have lost the info onmy home page! When I first switch the tsblet on it qickly shows date and time and location etc but immediately i swipe te screen tounlock it just shows a blank screen without...
I have found how to set up bookmark and show it on my homepage do I set them up to other than homepage and how do I then retrieve them , have tried everything!
At around 6:30 pm today my brother called me outside to show me a slow moving object in the sky. It took be at least 10 minutes to find it so that's an indication of how small, and how up it was. It...
17 years ago I was in a private hospital for a week. They had a fantastic thing for holding books so you could read lying in bed. It was about 3~4foot high on a pedestal with a bendable arm. The book...
Well - I have set it up and think I have managed everything (thanks for your help Buenchico). Just one final thing (sorry 2!) 1. I chose to use Bing app (but Chrome acts the same). After I have...
Can't think of anywhere else to post this question, though here probably isn't the right place. I'm looking for the name of an object - it's a circular wooden base with a glass dome and inside the...
Hello. A couple of weeks ago I was given for my birthday a Kindle Fire HD.At present I cannot get it to connect to any wifi stations. My computer is a desktop and fairly old 7 yrs and connected to my...
Some advert spaces fail with the error message "503 Service Unavailable". Can anybody technical point me to a concise explanation of what the site (or firewall?) may have done to trigger this error...
I'm using Windows 7 and have Ad-aware installed.
I am seeing annoying adverts on Skype these days. The Ad-aware doesn't seem to prevent them.
Is there any way of avoiding these adverts?...
Having just bought an Android tablet which came-typically-with no instructions, Can anyone tell me how to save a web page? I read somewhere that I`d need to open the menu first, but cannot find any...
I have two excel files. In the first file there is a list of words. In the second file there is a list of sentences. I would like to find out how many times the word comes up in the list of sentences....
Rather than continuing to worry my wonderful wife, I have decided to give up sugar. Advice varies, but rather than reduce gradually, which for me would be worse, I have gone cold turkey, and had no...
Why do the bits of gold leaf in the new sparkly Smirnoff vodka not settle to the bottom - they claim it is real gold leaf, but the SG of gold is vastly more than that of vodka? Nice to see some of our politicians are actually personally welcoming...
British companies are recruiting thousands of Romanian workers to plug gaps in the highly skilled jobs market and fill posts spurned by Britons. As border restrictions are lifted today, UK employers...