$1.1m – Amount Benneton, which was supplied by collapsed Rana Plaza garment factory in Bangladesh, finally gave to compensation fund for families of 1,134 victims just ahead of the second...
With our police not interested in bank fraud or shoplifting – hit and run now appears another ‘crime’ which is beyond their remit. This Telegraph article is well worth a read – the police are...
£10,000,000 – Donation to Labour from ‘non-doms’ while party was in government between 2001 and 2010, when it could see no need to abolish the tax break. £0 – Donations to Labour from...
I thought all the Clarkson fans among you would enjoy this (from the latest edition of Private Eye) In his world according to Clarkson series of memoirs, he writes:- ‘I’m told that if all...
‘Anyone who fails to report child above could face jail’ so said one David Cameron, however this has not stopped officials continuing their obstruction. In 2012 American journalist Leah McGrath...
Further to this recent thread on pension changes coming into effect in April this year – there was an interesting article on Radio 4s Money Box today....
After drinking red wine, I have long noticed that my tongue turns black – mostly over the central area, towards the rear. The discolouration does not occur immediately on contact with red wine, but...
One day while working at the Guinness brewery in Dublin, Paddy fell into a vat of Guinness and drowned. The company asked his best mate & co-worker Sean, to break the sad news to his wife. Sean called...
Often Mr Blair would walk the short distance from Downing Street to the Houses of Parliament, rather than take his ministerial car. On one occasion he encountered a prostitute, who offered him her...
Over the Xmas break I have had cause to use the Dartford crossing a number of times, and the following article concerning a large number failing to pay – resulting in a £105 fine, makes interesting...
£47 billion – Average yearly rise in public sector debt under 13 years of Gordon Brown and Alistair Darling’s chancellorships. £107 billion – Average yearly rise in public sector debt under...
Q: What is it that Christopher Jordan (England – right arm medium fast bowler) holds in his hands, to significantly increase the chances that the next ball bowled, will result in the fall of a...
The first-mate on a ship decided to celebrate his birthday a bit too much with a night on the town, where the ship had docked. The following morning he was still drunk; realising this, the captain...