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naomi24 This doesn’t surprise me. How about you?...
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why don't I look Chinese ?
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They pledge death or conversion, so at some point the human race is going to have to deal with this problem, is some sort of apocalypse inevitable?...
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According to the Prime Minister , those MP's who don't vote for going into Syria, are terrorist sympathisers . So by extension , those of you who also do not agree with going into Syria must also be...
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This is something that first came up when Dylan Roof murdered nine black worshippers at the Emanuel African Methodist Methodist Church in Charleston earlier this year....
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Why isnt there any film footage from inside the Eagles of Death concert venue last night at the Bataclan? A rock concert, where many would be filming it on their phones and there isnt any footage on...
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All the arguments raised by Corbyn and co. also apply to Iraq. Thus they are exposed as pacifists become political opportunists. Either we bomb IS or we don't. There is no sane way in which to accept...
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perfectly well said
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dieseldick truth ? it gets very very interesting 7 minutes in....
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Why when we know how people have been represented by the media in the past do we continue to repeat it?...
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"It is in Raqqa, Syria, that ISIL has its headquarters... our assessment is that there are about 70,000 Syrian opposition fighters on the ground who do not belong to extremist groups." PM Cameron cf...
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ToraToraTora Ok let all and sundry Bomb Daesh and really I couldn't care less if we join in but would we make any difference? I mean uncle tom cobbly and all are...
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That's a phrase I used when I was little to describe The trailers that featured the coming attractions in the cinema. As far as neologisms go it wasn't a bad one. Can ou think of any interesting ones?...
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gordiescotland1 Could Russia attack Turkey?...
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bazwillrun He is utter filth and him and cor bin laden are no more than traitors....lets hope people like these...
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Primary Symptom: Internet speed 0.3Mb/s for over 24hrs (TalkTalk (yeah, I know)) Secondary checks: One relative in same town, on BT: speed is normal 2nd relative in same town, on TalkTalk: speed is...
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I believe that compassion, altruism, co-operation, sharing and communication form an evolutionarily conserved cassette of default states of the human mind-set. Examples of such traits are also clearly...
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Historical sex abuse allegations: If prosecutions ever come about, they have to happen while the perpetrators are still alive and the politicians in the seventies were mostly over 40....
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Somali-born ex-Muslim writer and politician, Ayaan Hirsi Ali, who worked with murdered film director Theo van Gogh, said in an interview with Britain's Channel 4 News that Islam must be reformed to...

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