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Playing online and a duplicate person comes up. One of them has standard "playername" and the other has "playername(1)". Why? It's bugging me like hell....
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what has happened to james whale on talk sport
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Has anyone tried that **new** Vanish fizzing powder that u add to ure washing load in ure washing machine the vanish thats suppose to turn ure greys back to whites if u have please tell me is it worth...
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What does BNIB mean when it's advertising an item for sale?Cheers
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Hi, I have a creative web cam model vf0050 but have lost the disc.. have looked on web and on creative web page but some reason i dont seem to be able to find right driver..a list comes up of options...
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does your cat have???.....mine sounds like a little kid with a snotty nose!!! I have never heard anything quite like it.
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What is the best way to remove stubborn showroom stickers from rear window please .Ta
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My wifes favourite game at the mo,she says that she is trying to get a bigger shop,but is frustrated that she hasent got it yet.Does anyone out there know if and when you get it during the game.Thanks...
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I've read somewhere that if you put car body polish on glass & tiles it makes them easier to clean...Urban myth??

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