Unbeknown to me, my landlord opened a private letter addressed to me, without my knowledge or consent. Is there any recourse that I can take and what is the law regarding this? Thank you
Some friends and I were thinking of getting people to sign a white tablecloth for a friend's wedding. Can anyone suggest the best way of going about this? Can anyone recommend a reliable dye pen? I...
Apart from oneself and the bank who else is legally allowed to see your account and can the bank give details of transactions on ones a/c to anyone? Thanks
how do i go wireless on my computer? my husband had someone from work to mess about with his ie place the end of a paper clip into somewhere> and now mine has gone back to non wireless!
is there any particular reason why i can't re-freeze meat? basically i have a load of mince meat in my freezer and tonight i want to make a load of lasagne's and freeze them for night's when i work...
Next door moved in in October with 2 big dogs, one of them barks all day when they are out and my son works late shifts into the early hours and so sleeps in till early afternoon. I'm on my day off...
hello every 1 i am leaving the army to look at a new carear path i have served for the last 4 years but i have been working in logistics and to do this for a job in civvie street u have to be at least...