Involved in a domestic argument whereby I slapped my ex-partner and was in a public place. Another girl was involved and she phoned the police. There were cctv camera's there and the police took me in...
I am animal sensitive. Perhaps over sensitive. I cannot bear to see or hear of any animal cruelty or neglect or even not appropriately treated. I cannot bear to think about monkeys, bears, etc. I...
Its a lastest ad were 4 people are doing that cool little slow dance on the tredmills and it sounds like the lyrics say "im so tall im so tall" love it! like egyptian music at the end of the ad
Me and my partner are moving abroad in 6 weeks time. I have a personal loan which i pay ?120 a month to and thats for the next 5 years. My partner owes ALOT and is on about going bankcrupt next week...
When I got up this morning I noticed my right eye was a bit blood shot. I've looked it up on the internet and have now panicked myself into thinking it's something serious! Anyone else have a theory...
Had tonsilitus 2 weeks ago then the other day i was struggling to breathe. Thought not much of it as i smoke. Yesterday it happened again and i could not swallow properly. Looked at my throat and my...
I am moving to Vietnam with my partner in 8weeks time. We have been planning to move abroad for a few months now to escape england but weve now decided to go now instead of later.... We are going to...
Had an arguement with my boyfriend who i live with last night. He said that because i wasnt upbeat about visiting his parents it caused him to be in a bad mood. Trouble is i hate his parents! His dad...
I am feeling the need to cleanse my soul before I can continue my day, so please bear with me while I rant away!! It is considered rude to talk on your phone while at a checkout, I agree I do think...
What exercises at home or the gym would get you ready physically and make a skiing holiday a little bit easier on the body?! I'm not going until next winter, but you can never be too prepared!
Whats the name of the song being played where they were just a crowd of people daning around and jumping up catching bubbles of an alcoholic drink in there mouths it sounds like a religious song but...
My four year old Son is suffering ear-ache. Severe tenderness around the outside, and he says it hurts inside too. We took him to the Doctors yesterday and were told that he doesn't have an ear...
I get bad heartburn and indigestion which is being controlled by Ormeprazole. Trouble is, I bought one glass of white wine tonight and couldn't drink it. It felt like I was drinking razor blades. So I...
I go swimming every week but the night I go when I get back I can never get to sleep straight away and am sometimes up till 2am. Can I do anything about this?
Tomorrow is my first day off in three weeks and I can feel a cold coming on. Does anyone have any quick methods I can use to stop it coming?! I plan on spending the day in bed, but don't want it to be...