I have entered this under 'People and Places' (the first and sole entry) , as there has been no response I am trying again in here; 'I have just stumbled on this article;...
As the average UK annual average wage is worked out by the government Office for National Statistics by using : "The Annual Survey of Hours and Earnings (ASHE) is based on a 1 per cent sample of...
http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2319541/Farage-Sack-Dave-Ill-join-Tories-UKIP-leader-follows-election-triumph-dramatic-coalition-offer.html /// He has seized on quirks in election law which...
Hopefully this will be succesful and adopted throughout African nations where rhino's are located....
http://www.guardian.co.uk/business/2013/apr/25/uk-avoid-triple-dip-recession-gdp-growth Well I am glad it is positive but 0.3%? If it had been 0.4% less it would have been classed as recession, but...
It was reported on the news this morning that should Scotland gain independence, they would like to maintain monetary union with the rest of the Union. Is this Scotland wanting the best of both...
and if so would we see minority parties winning more seats? Would it encourage the right-wingers who put the world to rights in pubs but never vote, to elect hardcore facists? -or would the 'big...
http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2294198/Special-report-Did-Socialist-Workers-Party-cover-NINE-rapes-Kangaroo-court-cleared-official-raping-teenage-member-scandal-goes-far-deeper.html Can this...
Just seen on the news that a bailout package agreed for Cyprus includes a one off tax on bank accounts, €100,000 and over 9.9%, anything under 6.75%. Jeez, imagine if they did that here....
http://news.sky.com/story/1061210/pm-well-come-through-if-we-hold-firm No doubt about it, if we did what labour want we would all be in the dark smelly stuff for decades to come. But at some point we...
No, here it is working in it's finest showing it does work if done correctly. Also it proves that with the right management team you can survive a recession and come out smiling. In addition it is...
// Wake up and cut taxes, top Tories tell the Chancellor George Osborne is facing demands from Conservative MPs and business leaders to use the Budget to cut taxes and demonstrate Tory support for...