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why are fellas so hard to understand?? been scorin this certain person for a while then was out at the weekend after been with him the night before and hes walkin off with this tart with a big smirk...
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anna owens
what jobs are available for someone without a degree
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What foods does everyone remember from childhood. Junk food in particular. I remember Star Bars.  They were quite chewy caramel long roll type shapes. Also those crisps called rock and rolllers i...
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Does anyone out there agree with me (and I am probably opening up a can of worms here) that small children and toddlers should not be placed in the main part of shopping trollies so that they stand...
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Should I be concerned that my boyfrined has met a girl about 5 times and constantly txts her alot more than he txts me and talks 2 her on msn more than he talks 2 partys they both flirt with...
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Do any of you use Audiclean for your ears? Is it normal to feel dizzy on application?
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how much(approx) would it cost to ship a vehicle,car or vw camper van from u.s.a to u.k
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I have just started a new job and my employer refuses to give me a contract, holiday pay and sick pay, could anyone out there please tell me where i stand with this and what i should do. Many thanks.
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I think I have a wisdom tooth coming through and it is really painful. Does the pain go or does it mean that I will have to see a dentist. I can only get to see a private one around here and I really...
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I'm currently contemplating sleeping with my boss.  We've kissed before and although I thought it would be really awkward it wasnt and there was something really arousing about having the shared...
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why do women crave sweet foods before their periods?
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fav book?
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Women can dance, and (most) men cannot.   Many men seem to have little or no co-ordination or displays of rhythm.  After all, no-one says "dance like your mum". Why is this?
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I have recently started to suffer from painful joints, particuarly at night, my wrists, elbows and shoulders being the worst. Could this be because I spend all day typing, my arms raised? And is there...
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OK random question, what is it that spots/blackheads are actually made from ???
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can i start my locks even though i have psoriasis and have to wash my hair everyday?
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xx cutie xx
has anyone been on Dianette and found it gives you an upset stomach like all the time and acid/heartburn??? and aslo generally feeling rough?cos its driving me mad and i think it could possibly...
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as this happened to you?Gone through menopause.No periods for 2 yrs then a mini period for 3 days.pain in right side of tummy for the last 3 years scan showed clear.(only a slight...
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Hi, i woke up one morning and hade a big spot on my nose. I used some spot cream and it went away, but then a couple of week after i hade another one. Now i they keep appearing is there away of...

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