Yesterday while in a shop, I saw two small dogs-they appeared to be cavaliers or similiar-sitting up in large pushchairs with the rain guard down. I commented on it to the shop owner...she said that...
As much as I love all dogs, I would have to say dobermans are the best . There loyal , intelligent , obedient & loving. What do other ABer's think? Wheres Baldric when you need him ?...
I have been looking after my daughter's dog for a week and I noticed he was drinking quite a lot. He is fourteen years old and my daughter has now said the same as I noticed, that he is drinking far...
Tomorrow I'm going to view two bitch (female) dachshunds, with the intention of purchasing one to bring home mid-November. I'd really like a name which is cute, but also plays on her being a "sausage"...
I'm sure that I saw that Louis Thereaux was revisiting the Most Hated Family sometime this week, but cannot find any link to it online - can anyone help please?
While I was having an ultrasound for something completely different last week, the radiologist picked up that I had a cyst on my ovary. My doctor has referred me to a gynaecologist and I have an...
My Mother and I have been having a discussion about the above. She had one bought for her, but the instructions claimed that anyone who is Diabetic should refrain from using one. She asked her...
I've just noticed that I have a swelling on my elbow, and thanks to Google I think that it may be bursitis, as it's not painful or red - I think that I probably lean on that elbow when reading etc. Is...
I fainted or something. Came over all weak & dizzy at work, sat down to catch my breath with head on lap and fell of chair - lol. I had a MOT checkup on Tuesday and nurse said I was borderline High...
My uncle popped his cloggs in Feb.. and last week a cheque for £1,000 from his estate landed on my door mat, so I need to send Auntie Cyn a thank you card.. and all I have is 'just a quick note to...
I recently bought a Nintendo Wii, and set it up for my old TV, which worked fine. I have now bought a new TV, and have a few problems - Do I need to set the Wii console up again? How do I find a...
Can anyone help please? What sort of emollient could a diabetic with thin skin on legs use which would be safe to moisturise the skin ? Not sure if just ordinary cream/oil would've safe. Thanks.
If you were single and looking, what would be the ideal man or woman you have in your head? I have a friend who only ever goes out with the same girl- blonde, round face and sweetly pretty. I guess to...
Around 3 am this morning i heard loud clicking noises coming from our front garden. The automatic lights came on but I couldn't see any animal. Has anyone any idea what animal emits a clicking noise....
This is wonderful.....Enjoy!!! Dog and Child Moment Had to share this one. Female golden Lab with a little Downs Syndrome Boy who has likely never seen a dog up close before. The dog is so gentle &...