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... from this man ? http://www.dailymail....ealth-inspectors.html Blooouuuughhhhh !!!!!...
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C,mon, its annoying me now, please dont tell me that Ben gets away with it??
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Has he been written out permanently? I just assumed it was a storyline where he left for a while, but he hasnt come back.
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Our neighbours have two dogs. Both are taken for a walk by the oldest son and both are kept on a lead. However, they are extendable leads, allowing the Jack Russell up to our gate to antagonise our...
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The older I get I seem to get more and more nervous especially when it comes to traveling by car by train or flying when I know I am going to visit my family who live 140 mile away for a couple of...
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...the wax from two Babybels....;-0 guess I have to expect red poohs tomorrow. Oh joy! :-(...
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Has anyone tried Green Tea to help with weight loss? What did you think and did it help at all?
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Has anyone ever tried this ?? Does it work ??...
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I had never even heard of this breed until Alfie and I encountereda beautiful little puppy this morning. Anybody know anything about this breed?
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I wondered, as most of the supermarkets around us are closed tomorrow.
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Couldn't get into this new 'silent witness' at all. Dreadfully slow. Bring back Amanda Burton or better still French and Saunders!...
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Why are they making such a big deal of him? He is a distinctly average singer and the way he keeps doing odd hand gesture is getting right on my wick.
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I've just had my ink cartridges refilled (by a reputable company) but now the printer will not work at all - the orange light for the check print cartridge is flashing and there's and E displayed in...
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Is it any good!? Does anyone promote it and make good money!? Im not wanting to try it or anything im just curious as ive heard alot about it recently x...
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where are the most popular places to walk dogs in the vicinity of Cobham, Surrey?
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Can anyone explain the second part of Silent Witness to me? It seemed really muddled at the end - I didn't understand all the swab bit for starters!
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I know there are a lot of adverts that get right up our noses (too numerous to mention) but it got me thinking about ads that have the opposite effect on us. The older ones among us will probably...
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My partner has type 2 diabetes and has been told by doc he has protein in his urine; he's very worried, although I'm sure there is no reason to be. Can anyone kindly explain what this is, how it's...
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Are the children breaking up for Easter holidays today?
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On reflection my mother did, thought i was a size 14

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