Been growing my own kitchen herbs for sometime with great results now my coriander plant is going to seed and now has small white flowers,can i still use this up or should i just chuck it out!
Hi everyone, I wonder if anyone can help me with this? My daughter is a veggie and has been eating the egg fried rice flavour of the Batchelor's savoury rice - until last night when she read the back...
Stupid quustion, i know , but do eels, whether they be jellied, stewed, in a pie or ottherwise, have bones in them? I would like to order some from a Pie n' Mash shop but doin't know what to expect or...
Hi - Im 39 weeks pregnant (any day now hopefully!) Weve picked out the name Keira for if its a girl but I cant seem to think of a middle name that will go nicely with Keira - any ideas???
I need a recipe for a decent Lamb Bhuna like ones from local Indian restuarants - One where the meat is tender - I'm going to use Shouilder Fillet anyway. Suggestions or links very welcome - Cheers -...
Hi, My hot water tap in the kitchen won't turn off. Its been getting stiff to turn off for a couple of days now and although I can turn the tap off, the hot water still gushes out. It has now emptied...
We employ several workers from diverse ethnic backgrounds here at Newmarket Farm. Has anybody on here experience of tips on cooking the following please. Dudhi - Chow Chow - Mooli - Ung Choi. We are...
My fella made a massive pan of chilli yesterday morning then we re-heated it at tea time. There is tons left and Im thinking of re-heating some at tea time today. Is it okay to do this? Its just got...
not sure if im submitting this under correct category but hey! Ive been invited to a bbq by someone ive never met before (boyfriends work colleague). i understand people usually take a bottle or some...
Hello All. I want to try my hand at poaching a whole chicken,"supermarket bought" but am not sure how to go about it.....any help would be much appreciated.Thanks.S.O.G.
To my knowledge there are no whiskey distilleries in England - why is this? Scotland and Ireland are noted for their quality whiskey/whisky and can also turn out decent beer.
For this evenings meal i have prawns and pasta for the main ingredients - have other things such as mushrooms, onion, cheese etc etc. can anyone share with me a good recipe based on pasta and prawns...