No link, I just think that all the violence, looting, desecration etc has just put their own cause back immeasurably. There was a great deal of support from all quarters following the death of Mr...
Obviously no death penalty in that particular state. :-(
If science puts up barriers and refuses to follow truth wherever it leads, then it is left floundering for answers to the big questions, on the creation of the universe, the creation of life from...
Think of it this way...Jimmy Saville. Whilst he was alive, he raised about £40m for Stoke Mandeville Hospital. He was a hero. A national treasure. He earned an O.B.E. Then he was knighted. If in the... ....I know lets have an inquiry! Unbelievable, what will an enquiry tell us? people died from a virus! Why is there a call for a public enquiry every time...
The next ridiculous thing we’ll have is demonstrators descending on RAF Scampton demanding for the dogs remains to be exhumed and for the grave to be concreted over, and erased from history forever....
BLM have targeted 60 Statues and Plaques. Their choices are bizzare. Will we now have black stabbing victims picking and choosing what hospitals save their lives. They apparently now don't appreciate...
These poor demented souls wishing PHIL the GREEK,Happy birthday,
Do they think he will see their happy birthday greetings?
Then again maybe he comes on to answerbank ....
Statues being taken down, 'Gone with the Wind' removed from programming, BBC not showing anymore Little Britain sketches, and last night I was presenting an online quiz on Facebook for some family...
Once again the Prince hits the headlines with a 'difference of opinion' between his lawyers and the American Justice system. Reading between the lines, it would appear that the definition of the word...
Get ready for every single situation where - insert current acceptable term for non Caucasians - will be playing the race card whenever they don't get their own way. This country will soon be turning...
the first line of his wikipedia entry: "He supported and endowed schools, almshouses, hospitals and churches in Bristol, London and... It was closed down before I could respond. Ok It's the odd swear I use that is the bone of contention. I get that, I will no longer...