this was nudged into my head after 4gs talking about how he had caused a lot of pain in the boxing ring and on the battlefield. now i wonder are we producing a lot of mentally unstable physically...
Is there anyone on here that you ignore. I have just been told by legend that he will ignore me from now on. I answered the question in much the same way others had. Surely this is singling me out. I...
Just can't seem to finalise the last three ... 2d Bookbinder was a morganatic offspring (4,5) I have H?L? R?Y?? (Half Rhyme??) 16a Vital organ's actual name is concealed (5) I have R?N?? The last...
Afternoon All, Does anyone have or have they ever had a 'friend with benefits' or indeed FB as I believe they're also known? Did you think this was a good arrangement or did it all end in tears? How...
just a thought after watchin sky news this morning. england at rugby get hammered 30 nil or whatever ok ? totally slaughtered. and the fans stay back and are great. in france the fans arent segregated...
I have forgotten my cousins birthday (today) and would like to e-mail her a virtual birthday card............... Can anyone give me any links to a site from which I can send one, without having to...
What do we mean be evil? My definition would be the deliberate, intentional harming of others. It is possible to harm others without actually intending to, but that's thoughtlessness or...
Im not being funny but I've always thought that penises smell of prawns after urine has been passed. Then again how many penises have I sniffed? Only mine! Anyone else agree?
i'm trying to remember the title of a film i saw many years ago .... all i can recall is ben gazzara saying to another actor in the film "this is one jew you are not going to castrate kelno" in...
"Sheeple," the word to describe people who follow fashion, trends, thinking, political correctness etc, or indeed anything that requires simple 'following,' rather than going against the flow and...
Sorry if this topic has come up before, but what TV shows would you love to be back on your screen. You know your fvourites when you were younger. Mine would have to be Noels House Party, Gladiators,...
I have just finished reading my latest mag with it's true life stories. You know 'husband ran off with my 16 year daughter' 'my husband the rapist' those sort of stories. I have never met anyone I...
Given the obvious evils in this world, (wars, hunger, disease, poverty, crime, immorality, ad-infinitum), then why, if you are a believer, do you still believe in God. Is your faith not shaken? If you...
Little Grape has come home he is still very weak and tired but he is home and well. He had the happiest face in the world when we walked into our house and he saw all the cards, ballons and presents...
I have just noticed that all the questions I have recently answered have ended up in suggestions. I am incredibly flattered that anyone has taken the trouble to do this
con air isnt this just the best nic cage steve buscemi and some vreal good stunts and music so CON AIR love it or hate it ? how do i liveeee without youuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu