My neighbours through the wall fight all bloomin day, early doors they wake me up shouting and bawling and theyre fighting now, theres aggro on AB again, folk in the office bicker and fight. I never...
My grandma (92), sharp as a pin and very good with names and dates, recently said that Hess crash-landed at the end of her street. She lives in a tiny village on the north-east coast. We searched the...
Looking at the rugby players in the line up and seeing all the cauliflower ears, I was just wondering, do rugby players ever get the equivalent of "punch drunk" like boxers???
A lady parked in a disabled parking spot. She had not disabled badge. I approached and told her that she was taking up a space that would be needed for someone with a disability. In a foreign voice...
if one of your children was gay? i myself would not have any problem whatsoever, in this day & age i don't see why anyone would unless they were very religious i suppose. i ask this question after...
I was listening to Radio four this morning as I couldnt pick up anything else where I was working and I am glad my customer wasent in the same room. The program was about the life of a salesman....
How do you work out what date you concieved? I am pregnant and am due on the 17th November. I never had a regular cycle beforehand so can't use that as an indicator as I hadn't had a period for...
this came to mind after reading the question below re gay appears that it is far more widely acceptable to be lesbian and gay guys are more likely to be frowned upon (particularly so i...
Hi everyone, I've noticed the most recnet poll on AB about legislation being introduced against homophobic abuse. I can't seem to find anything on the Beeb (but I'm extremely impatient and pressed for...
Just having a discussion at work about getting check ups at the doctors i.e smear or blokes checkups and my colleague said that if he went and a bloke wanted to do it he'd feel rather uneasy and would...
thanks to everyone for entertaining me! i`m a lying evil little bitch who has never told one truth on answer bank, i actually do not work, as i`m a kept woman, but did work up until 2006 when my...
moved into a house early 2007, we still annoyingly receive some of their post, on a daily basis. Got back from holiday, walked into the house saw a delivery note saying "one parcel left in green bin"...