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As expected by now, the launch of the challenge for the third week in the reign of “Queen Christiana the Cheerful” was despatched with customary expertise. The saga behind Her Cheerfulness...
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I see that the Telegraph has gone up to £1.80 today - how do they justify a 20p increase???
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Good morning again from Christiana, the Cheerful One. It’s Week 3 of my reign and I’m hoping I’ve got you all smiling, if not over the choice of link words, then at least at the more...
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Good morning everyone - time to put on our thinking caps ready for today's contest. As usual, the month is passing swiftly and about now, someone makes a bold move for the lead [ well, that's if Kate...
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Good Evening AB Linkers, everywhere! I am ashamed to say that I made a pig’s ear of the scoring of MM Links last week. Is this what Life has in store for me now that I have reached the critical...
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This posting is well over an hour too earlier, but I am scheduled to have a family meal soon at a local restaurant to celebrate my coming of age, and there are times when AB must come second! Should...
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If you are looking for the links results crofter had to post the early tonight. This is the thread.
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Welcome to the second week of links set by me, Christiana, the Cheerful One, otherwise known as Her Cheerfulness. I hope my choices this week will result in more points scored and therefore more...
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Good morning everyone, I hope you're all well and ready to attack today's game - I fear crofter may not be with us until later, having celebrated an important milestone yesterday, perhaps a little too...
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Good Evening AB Linkers, everywhere! I better come clean from the very beginning! Although (at times) I feel more like a recycled teenager, today I reached a notable milestone in the journey of man ~...
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Hello everyone! It’s just over two years since I last did this. I remember that I DID enjoy it eventually, so let’s hope the same thing happens again. I’ve added to my title since...
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Here are the shaded questions from today's crossword - 33a Aromatic substance derived from plants including cumin, Hungarian red pepper and tumeric [5] 35a Codeword of the Nato phonetic alphabet...
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Good morning everyone, and welcome to a new month's contest. As usual, the aim is to predict the correct matches to the four link words from this morning's crossword - sounds easy, I know, but you'd...
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Good Evening AB Linkers, everywhere! Last week, the September MM Links contest ended in a dead heat with centrino and Christiana both finishing on 10 points. Any final monthly score into double...
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Ok, I have a few, some I think I know but then other clues don't fit, so I'm going to put ALL the questions to you and see what answers you all come up with. 2 Down - Radical transformation (3, 4) ???...
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The price of a camera is increased by 30%. Later in a sale, the new price is reduced by 20%. What percentage change is the sale price compared to the original price? (It's not 10%!)
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Good morning and welcome for the last time to my reign as Lady Jill. I was sorry to see that there were fewer entries than usual last week, and hope it was because of the good weather and other...
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Good morning everyone - this will be a bit on the short side as I'm running close to post time. This weekend sees the end of the contest for ths month and as quite often happens, anything can and...
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Good Evening AB Linkers, everywhere! Welcome to this fourth and final week in the reign of Lady Jill (aka tearinghair), who is still having her serenity challenged every time the newly vamped...

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