Could anyone help me please with a quiz question - "the peacock belongs to which group of birds?". I'm not sure how the quiz setter's define 'group' When I looked on Google I got Genus and some other...
How are we all doing in this picture only quiz? I think no 6 has got most people stumped, I'm also having trouble with 10, 14 and 15 - most of the non-people ones in fact. Can anyone please help with...
I have just one more to finish this, thanks for everyone's helpful posts. Answer is two words that sound the same but are spelled differently, you will see an example. "but we musn't do anything to...
Any help with the following pleae. 26) Palace Door (2,7,3,1,8) 35) Xelusa (6,9) Sexual ? 36) I'm anonymous (2,3,5,3,1.2) 54) Dr Spock could have written this one (3,2,5,1,5) 56) No meat for this...
Done quite a few and I know there's loads of time left but would appreciate any help with these. Answers are all occupations 1 Write about credit or cash (6) 16 Ponytail or pigtail (6) 32 Type of wood...
Hi, hope someone can help with this. My son needs to spend his last year of Uni commuting from home. He's always had the smallest bedroom but now I want to move him into his sister's bigger room - she...
Appreciate any help with the following: 1 American black cuckoo 5 Greater black-backed gull 9 A Paunch belly 49 Jonathon livingston 65 Prince of thieves 73 Pantomime parent
Places in Lincolnshire 2,A measure of herring and how you are feeling -I trust. 7. Heavy stuffing. 8.Short horizontal flashy jewellery. 10.Start physical education after the writer. 17.Cinder...
Nearly done - just a couple I need help with please. Answers are names of birds or have reference to birds. 7. Initially caught round our windows 4 letters begins with any letter from C to H 57....
1)American black cuckoo............ answer has 3 letters, and starts with a letter before "j" 5)Greater black-backed gull........3/4 letters 38)Two for joy.........6 letters-between LI & ME 82)African...
Please can anyone help me with these last 7? All clues lead to the name of a supporting group or a member thereof. 5. Boston fellows 23. Norma and John 24. Going round in Motor city 25. A year with...
I need to get this posted and I have looked everywhere to find out the last 6 answers. Can any one please help? They are all backing groups and I need the name of the singer as well. 17. Simply The...
Boy! what a hard one this has been. I have just a few left and would appreciate any help/clues please. For those not doing this quiz answers are groups with front men ie Cliff Richard AND THE Shadows....
4) This group likes butter and preserve 21) Give answer 6 a spin (Bob Marley and the Wailers) 38) Cape 55) Earth 65) Small Budweisers ! Any help with these ones please. Have to post my quiz off today....
7) Reserved Indians of Otero County 22) In school from 7 to 11 38) Cape 55) Earth 64) In every direction 70) Confused lecturer in Seychelles Any ideas please