performance criteria can anyone put me in the right direction on these questions please how do you encourage individuals to engage with others and respond appropriately to express their feelings and...
A story hit the headlines this week after it came out that two mothers who had their babies mixed at birth in the Czech town of Trebic. For the last ten months they have each been raising each other's...
Hi, I have a bit of a query and am hoping someone out there will be able to help/advise me... Basically I am nearly 35 weeks pregnant (so just 5 to go before I am due) but I have this really odd...
Very touching , some great people. But why was the audience full of old hasbeens. Who else thinks Richard Hammond is a nauseating inconsequential idiot. His hair annoys me, his voice annoys his crap...
A couple of months ago i went trekking so had my hair braided (I'm caucasian so non-afro hair) so i wouldn't have to worry about washing it too much. I had them in for 3 months and started taking them...
Which is your favourite? and which do you find the scariest? for me i love the Scream films, and the Final destination films, but i don't find them scary... ooh also LOVE the remake of Dawn of the...
tom did a remix of louis prima "oh marie". its the music on the fiat punto italian job ad. desprerately need to find it on a cd. can anyone pleeeeease help? thanx
I was wondering if you could help. Someone I hardly know approached me and asked If I had a camera. I said yes. Then this person asked me if she could borrow. I did not know what to say but i was so...
Hi, Planning to start trying to conceive at Xmas. I've been advised by the nurse at the GP's that when I stop taking the pill, in acticipation of this, I should start with the folic acid. I've now...