I really suffer with excema and at this time of year it gets really dry and cracks. It is very red and itchy with tiny blisters all over my left hand. I have tried all the creams going at the Doctors...
Smudge's answer to another post(Tomato Soup and French Bread) made me think. When I was a child and getting over cold or flu, or any illness,my"Recovery Food" was Heinz Cream of Tomato Soup, my...
Added a couple more. The following are all the names of Partners. They can be real or fictional. Can any help with the following that I am stuck on? Thanks. PB & AA RR & LH MF & DS JB...
Cant see any common link on these V & A - this estherine couple blew it T & A - a yarn brought them together R O - His lady was both nubile and mobile T K & O Bands of...
Royal section V & A Dotted everywhere (if it is Victoria and Albert can you tell me why) C & G Britain was not his only conquest, obviously (confused by the & sign as it...
Hi, Can anyone help me from going totally mad??!!! I'm pulling my hair out trying to answer these final few "UK Town Names" clues .... can anyone come to my rescue? Travel to the fair (11) Protesting...
Where's the best place for tall, fat women to buy tights? Aristoc make very wide bodies with short legs, and the quality is poor; Tesco make good legs but the bodies are very short (are all Tesco...