Due to extreme house prices, I am buying a house with my parents. Will have annexe / granny flat for me. We would like advice on the legal aspects of 3 people on the deeds. What hapopens if someone...
If I marry, would I become jointly liable for my husband's mortgage even if I don't put my name on the deeds or mortgage account. If he passes away would I inherit his house even if my name was never...
An old game from about 1989. Can't remember what system it what on. Could have been Amiga? You go around a world trying to collect slow bouncing bubbles. The world has no clour and you need to colour...
I have been served with a section 21 notice. This is a notice to leave the property I have rented for the last 5 years. I have been given 2 months notice leave. I was on a shorthold agreement but...
You hear of various competitions where the prize is a year supply of Toblerone or whatever the prize may be. Has anyone won a years supply of something? How much was there? Thanks
Does someone have to pay the 5% late filing surcharge for past years, even though they had never received a tax return to fill in?? Returns weren't received by the person due to late registration. He...
Aoccdrnig to a rscheearch at Cmabrigde Uinervtisy, it deosn't mttaer in waht oredr the ltteers in a wrod are, the olny ipmortnat tihng is taht the frist and lsat ltteer be at the rghit pclae. The rset...
Anyone heard it. Big Brother style. A computer telling you cannot hide anywhere, even in the country, cuz he knows you are there. Is this what the world is coming to?
At what approximate age would it take a heavy alcoholic drinker to die if he drank every day from the age of 16? A rough idea of the lifespan would be great as I cannot find any kind of information...
Anyone know how the social services work when a child's sole parent is an alcoholic and does not meet the childs needs? (feeding, care, nappy changing etc) If the child was removed, would there be...
Regarding my self assesment tax return. Can I offset a loss from my trade income (which I have now ceased) against my PAYE income? I also have losses brought forward from previous years.
Did anyone else watch it? It was the best thing I've seen on telly for a long time. A brilliant idea and composition. Plus, who played the role of Jesus? Was it the singer from Radiohead??