It seems that they make CD/DVD instructions on how to get your new friend to settle in to his/her new home. Not sure if it works. http://i151.photobuck...20etc/dogtraining.jpg This picture is just...
Sadly, Johnson's baby cream is no longer cutting the mustard and the skin on my face is really quite dry. Can anyone recommend a cheap and cheerful moisturiser that's not too heavy or oily (I don't...
I've pretty much been an atheist, that is I find the idea of a God preposterous, since I was in my mid teens. Admittedly, I will go to Mass on occasions such as weddings, funerals, anniversaries and...
Here are some things. 1. The Weather Forecast. 2. Traffic news. 3. Football pundits. 4. The importance of religion. I'm sure lots of people have their own favourites. What are yours?
Tomorrow sees the one sporting occasion that everyone in Wales looks forward to most every year, the match against England. Regardless of current status (and we're doing rather well as it happens!)...
I normally get paid by Paypal but a buyer has sent me an email saying he will shortly be paying me by credit card. How will this work? He is a new user (feedback of 2, so perhaps he is as clueless as...
Does anyone have one? I am considering buying one, but I'm a bit nervous about things long will it last? How long before the battery no longer holds a charge and how much is a new one? I...
My wife was left a house by her late sister, The house was valued for probate at £325,000.00,if she sells the house for 340.000.000 will she have to pay capital gains tax if so how much ?
"Facebook is ripping families apart" headline in Sunday Post.Apparently Facebook Addiction Disorder is at record levels.Makes interesting reading.What are you views on Facebook?I can't give...
Klanfield in the news again // Police stressed it was an isolated incident // They are having a few of these isolated incidents at Klanfield // It is the third incident of this kind in a few months at...
Hi, I wondered if anyone can help please - I have separated from my husband and left the marital home because I was unable to stay there for various reasons to do with himself. I am now in a little...
Steve Wright (Radio 2 weekdays 2-5p.m.) is driving me NUTS !!! We have had to get used to, and ignore the " Love the show " from everyone supposedly that writes in....but I have been trying...
if the rehab states its a non 12 step rehab and says we must do at least 3 12 step meetings per week can i sue them as it is a religous group and as they are governd by the religious confidentiality...
My mum died in a hospice on Wednesday (during my sister's visit) after living with my family F.O.C. for the last 13 years. On Thursday my sister emptied her bank account, apparently to distribute the...
I am in a partnership which last year made a loss. As it does not provide a good enough income I have kept my full time job from which PAYE is deducted. On completing my tax return (not yet filed) I...
My Grandson got taken into care back in March last year , because his parents failed to look after him properly, with the police being called out on a few occasions over "who should look after...