I have a multi paged scanned PDF document that I wish to save as individual pages. Do I need to save it as something else or what can I do to break it up into individual pages? Suggestions...
It would be a chance to dissociate with 'perfidious Albion' - not that Scotland has a clean past by any means and rather than all the financial pros and cons and the "me what will I gain by it"...
The SNP and it's followers claim to "want independence" and yet they also say that they want to part of the EEC. Surely if they become members of the EEC they will have to join on Europe's terms and...
Wednesday. All done and dusted, There's plenty of that! Just some more shelves to go in the airing cupboard on Friday. Most of the clearing up done, so back to normal...whatever that is. Still cloudy...
I haven't shaved for a couple of days and am starting to grow a fair bit of stubble. How long will it take before I start looking bearded rather than scruffy?...
This is a straight question, not for opinions which can be placed on a multitude of other threads. How will we hear the result - will it be a yes or no on Thursday morning?? or will results from...
Various people have pointed out that whichever way the vote goes, half of the people will inevitably be very dissappointed.
Will the legacy of the vote be a divided population?...
http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-scotland-scotland-politics-26173004 There seems to be a lot of head in the sand attitude frm the Yes camp, but experts seem to be saying that article 49 is the only way....
Think I need to do a systems restore to yesterday if that's possible but have googled til I'm dizzy to find out how to do it. Running windows 8.1 - mainly using firefox. Came onto AB and kept getting...
After 3 night half sleeping in an arm chair, having back ache, neck ache and the rest of the body aching. Bed time is approaching, after my B&C obviously....