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i have a bread making machine i have to put tepid water in how do i tell if it is tepid
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Hi Got into work yesterday and there's a letter on my desk from my boss. The header says "review of the services my job offers.etc At first it seemed ok then read at the bottom says this is a formal...
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we would like to buy a plot of land to put a static/mobile home on, does anyone know the best way to go about this. Do we need planning permision if its not a brick building also if we cant find one...
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do you think a travel agent a good job? im a ex dancer and model so have little skills other than dancer all my college and work has been in modelling or dancing i have great refs and it skills im 25...
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I've just dropped my car in at the garage (main dealer) for its annual service. I checked on their website for the cost and the same information is also on the wall of the service dept at the garage...
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My 3 cats eat whiskas oh so fishy - as well as a dry special diet food from the vet - the problem is that they are all getting old (15) so the dry food is difficult to eat with fewer teeth (one cat...
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I actually put question not long ago about my cat having conjunctivitus. Well now he has started weeing and pooing himself. worse thing is he just lies in it! He is 16 and very skinny and frail, and...
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I am not a particulary smalll person, either in the bresticles states or tummy states. ( i recently got into size 20 jeans), But i am in the process of losing weight. Anyway i went to get a new pair...
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I discovered on New Year's Day that my husband is up to no good! He had left his mobile phone on the side when he went to the bathroom. He had earlier shown me a message he had received from a mutual...
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I need to get a work reference from my boss for an etate agent just to prove i work Iv been told to type it up myself (!) I dont know what to put in the letter. Iv put that im working and how long iv...
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Our neighbour put up a fence at our cottage...this is not just cottage land lots of people live up there all year around. The fence is about 10ft high.Also he made the side facing his property all...
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Can cats get conjunctivitus and whats a cure for it? My cat keeps waking up with loads of browny puss in his eyes. I wipe it away, but keeps coming back. It seems to be only when he has been sleeping.
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This is actually a question about my boyfriend. For the past month his right hand has been acheing. We thought maybe was repetitive strain or something as uses hands alot at work and also he plays...
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Last night, I was thinking of the next 2 weeks and how I'm going to make the most of my boyfriend being here before he has to go away to Iraq. Everyone takes the most important people in their lives...
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hi all, my mother bought her council house several years ago.the plans where cause i was married and had an house with my wife,so my mum dicided that the house would be left to him if she died.thing...
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OMG what a horribel weekend I've had, as I woke up saturday morning to find a letter from my boss about my "inappropriate behaviour!". Let me explain; Every month at my work we get a magazine out with...
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Anyone watch crimewatch last night? Does anyone else think the killer of 77 year old woman was her son? Strange as they said no motive (except for perhaps the money in the will!), person was on foot...
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The other day, when it was really cold, i opened the front door to our office to one of my collegues, who i see about once a week and i get on with quite well, although he does have a stroppy streak...
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I was arrseted and charged with a section 20 gbh charge how it happend was i was in a que at mcdonalds where i was enployed waiting for food when a guy walked in who jad been given me hassle for weeks...
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Hi, my question is this, Ive recently ended a relationship and we are selling the house that we bought together. He is expecting me to pay half of the credit cards which are in his name? Ive never...

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