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Know I'm tardy with this one but stuck on my last clue. (Completed the rest with some tips from here thanks). N - Marsh shows red light - inside a Frenchman's blithe (5) I have N*A*O That is assuming...
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Last one pleeease! 13D - Bow tie (7,3) *E*K*A*/R*E
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Hundred and fifty euros? That's wicked (6) _ A _ D _ E I've no idea what it is :O(
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Last one..... 36d - From the first I love to follow article and then throw it away (2,6) -B/-N-T-O Thanks in advance (hopefully). J
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To visit this site one must of course have access to an online computer, so why do so few folk not google more thoroughly. So many of the answers given here are very easily googled, but perhaps this...
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help please woman to summon return of old record ???L??? principals on the square avert danger with gold ?R??? L???? leading light let out to give alarm ???r???
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Stuck in one corner - answer to this should help... 21D - In the lead, go for result (6).... *P****
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4d - Hobbling after cross-dressing fun with tube? T*,G*M* 26ac - First of slats almost off seat S*O*L* (Can only think of stools, but why?) Thanks in advance
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4d - Sequel to memento for lush impressionist (7) - M*R**S**
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It's difficult to say what Gordon Brown's famous for (6, First letter T)
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I use a good quality razor and shaving gel on my bikini line, but within couple of hours, get a red, raised, spotty rash, which lasts for days and looks pretty awful! Does anyone have any advice on...

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