I am with above for quite a while and basically I can get onto all my sites except a particular one - Avast comes up saying there is an infection etc and for me to pay for them to remove this...
After suffering from the blow to my head I am now suffering from deep depression with headaches and worry. Also the lump whilst not as big is still there. Am suffering from extreme anxiety and...
Sqad - I do still have some swelling on my head for quite a while now. Last night before going to bed I am getting swoshing sound of like water in my ear. Is there anything I could buy in the Chemist....
I bought sister a wee cheapie digital radio for her to get a certain station on it. She does have a large hi-fi and another 3 radios but they are not digital. Anyway I already opened the radio and it...
some years back I bought the above - but years down they are far too heavy particularly when I have to put the cover on some Aber advised me but the one I bought far too heavy - I am looking for a...
Fell two weeks ago with Menieres and Vertigo and sustained a bad eye and swollen lump on the back of head. Thought swelling would have gone down but not and so I am still suffering from extreme...
neighbour was in some days earlier and said she was making herself a fajita mix chicken etc - gluten free. I have never had fajita but am fed up with cooking chicken the way I do so am thinking of the...
Sister and I were trying to remember yesterday but no it wouldn't come to us (Senior Moments) It was roughly about two fellas - one was from a very poor family and other lad was Royal- somewhere in...
My Maxie has done it, perhaps, maybe, sometimes, maybe not a lot of times. LOL (keeping you guessing). Tonight my house is like toast as in heat and so in the living room (oh yeah procrastinating)...
Mum was very very sad and disgruntled one day. So she went to Confession to see Father Arthurs. She told him everything that was wrong. Back to the house she came and sat my Dad down. She said "I'm...
My brother was a professional singer and so he had quite a number of frilly shirts and hankies to match. We was poor LOL We also had a laundrette right to the back of us and so mother put all his...
you know there is a milky drink out there ie Cocoa, Hot Chocolate (can't remember the rest of them)
what one of them would help you to sleep - thanks...
I am sorta binge watching Brits in the Sunshine (not the proper name) but OMG - I think I will pack up and go. All the elderly people are so friendly and lots going on. Most of them do live in lovely...