I've recently become a vegetarian, and now its hard to get enough protein (by the way does anyone know how much portien you are supposed to eat per day?) What are some foods that are high in protein...
The 2004 ad, with wrigley's extra, where the people are on the bench and are singing and dancing, it goes something like, Do Ba Da Dab Do Ba... please help!
Many Thanks
If you were forced to choose between fulfilling you lifelong dream, or being with the one and only person who makes you truely happy in this world... which one would you pick?
Two of my female cats gave birth to 11 kittens all together. We have gotten rid of 3 already, leaving us with 8. Well recently they all have been sneezing, some to a greater extend. Along with the...
My husband & I are going to start trying for a baby in the next few months. However, I am vegetarian and we're a bit concerned that the baby won't get the vitamins it needs. Obviously if I fall...