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A bit harder today - at least I found it that way! Blossom Puzzle, December 27
Letters: C D E R I T Z
My score: 306 points
My longest word: 10 letters
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  #waffle704 5/5 🟩🟩🟩🟩🟩
🟩🟩🟩🟩🟩 🔥 streak: 2
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I saw longer words after I finished - as always! Blossom Puzzle, December 26
Letters: D E G N H I T
My score: 355 points
My longest word: 11 letters
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No "nesses" today! Blossom Puzzle, December 25
Letters: A D I N O R T
My score: 384 points
My longest word: 11 letters
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Last two to parse please 24d old coin (no shilling) that may still be found (6) E?TA?T - presumably EXTANT (that may still be found) Is a sextant an old coin as well as the navigational... ...
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Wordplay includes an extra letter not to be included in the grid. 12a Slave's contradictory support in Senegal! Answer ESNE (slave) The extra letter discarded is a T 9d Make certain daughter's... ...
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27a Thailand charges innocent mother (6) ?A?I?E (I also think that it begins with a T) Many thanks
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9d Large mollusc from Mediterranean isle yielding form of oil (6) STRU?B 25d Grappling like this involves a medical man (5) ?AMB? 33a This crate with lid we'll get adapted for older wines (5) S?R?N... ...
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My last 4 (if my others are correct!). Please note that this is a thematic crossword and one (maybe two) of the answers need to be input as a real word anagram of the actual answer. The others... ...
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25d Bar - not a beautiful place for alcohol moderation (5) R?NCE I presume this is Rance which can be the stretcher or "bar" between the legs of a chair, but I cannot parse anything else! Many... ...
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15d Lizzie was champing at the bit for Rev. William in chequer design. (10) ?HE?S??ARD. (presumably CHESSBOARD, but why?) 24d Hydrocarbon disreputable house served in regular bevvy (6)... ...
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37a Discretion ignoring stare at beginning, accepted official proceedings (4) A?TA I think this is ACTA (official proceedings) Tact = discretion + a(ccepted) = Tacta Now there is a special... ...
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25a Aged hound lost glow (4) LE?? 23d One presiding over golden age was model on vase (6) ??TURN (The third letter of 25a is the same as the second letter of 23d) 12d Poet's rubbed out two thirds of... ...
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1d Mineral's a short shapeless mass (4) AF?? 3d Ronald kicked out of club in the South of France (4) BID? 10d Confined before food in retrospect, it attracts 16a (6) C??ME?.......16a is Puma, so I... ...
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The wordplay in the clue contains a superfluous letter. In this case the letter is an "F" Whence Frank has heroine initially run away - extraordinary strangeness ensues (6) ?A?S?S I think the answer... ...
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I Don't likeit when I can't parse answers! 30a It blows cold, a handicap, no question (4) B - SE Presumably BISE (a cold dry wind), but the rest?..... Is "bisque" a handicap aswell as a soup? 18d... ...
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33a Dug opening of tunnel behind grass (4) TE ? T Many thanks  
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This is a Carte Blanche crossword where you also have to enter the bars. You do not know where the clues fit or the number of letters. I have solved all the clues apart from two and placed all the...
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I think these are my last two. Each clue has a superfluous letter 15d Funeral ode that is driven by decreased turning up under extreme pressure (7) The answer is EPICEDE (a funeral ode), I can see...
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15a Lunch? Pet, reverse of health, given tons. (4) TI _ T Is this Tift ? (I don't have a Chambers} Many thanks...

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