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What does LOL mean when people sign off with it on message boards ?
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Vinnys posts are disappearing, has he upset the hackers?
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Could we have a welcome section where you could see the list of new members to join Answerbank with a report button facility if a username was obscene or almost identical to an existing user we could...
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I found a site which has inspired me to find out how clever Abers are. Can you write a two word short story? Example: Death of a Duck Hunter "Duck!" "Where?" (by M. Stanley Bubien) 
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What Robin Cook books are movies.  I know that Coma is.
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There's a question below asking about smoking, in which an ABer says there's no demand for non-smoking restaurants. Please will everyone give their view on whether they would like a ban on smoking in...
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I must say that I find it sad and upsetting,that someone in another answer described me as "Borderline Barking" I am new here,have only posted 2 questions,and only posted 9 answers.If someone can...
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Has anything bad (or good) happened to you today? I've had such a day, first my iron wouldn't work, then the washing machine broke, and then after getting the washing done (thanks to a kindly...
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marque on my thread below(Editor you have left Imposter on for 2 days)
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Sorry if this was asked before  (as I'm not a regular visitor) but whats that all about?
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Dear ED, Why have you not removed the Imposter on Money&Finance(Bad Debt) I and others have sent you E.mails.They will get rid of this question by press ing the report this question button.Do they...
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I take the misses to Worthing every year in the off season because its cheaper why go abroad you get lovely fish and chips and individual pots of tea you can get two cups out a pot and they've got...
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What happened to the Lindberg house
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I'm too lazy to read the rules or find out for myself.  I've having a bad friday 13th and would appreciated a straightforward answer! :-)  Thanks!
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There was a documentary on years ago about the only man to have climbed Everest sea level, and I think also without oxygen. Anyone remember his name? and when it was done any other details? Thanks
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If you could rob a bank and get away with it would you do it? I know I would their robbing b*****s anyway. 
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What is viewed as being Shakespeare's best play?
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What is the meaning of "potential card counter" in the following sentences?   He bet a hundred dollars on the next hand and lost. Then quickly he slid three chips out for the next hand, which he...
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School children may be able to appeal for extra marks if they had a bereavement, headache, bad day etc during an exam, is this just madness????
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There is a certain ABer who only posts puerile and sarcastic remarks. When I read them I normally shake my head sadly and then move on. I have now found 2 posts directed at me - one calling me an a***...

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