I was wondering if anyone knows the name of an old black and white film in which the story primarily revolves around a train which I think is called the sergeant. I thought the film was called...
I was in Art and Lit and reading a question about Lady Chatterley - I minimised the webpage, looked up the answer on Google, but when I went back to Art and Lit the question has disappeared - how and...
On One hand, It is a totally barbaric spectacle, seeing Thousands of Seal Cubs being cracked over the skull with a stick/axe. On the other hand it is a legal cull of 30,00 seal cubs to help preserve...
does the pope still have any living family? i am not religious at all and only go to church for the usual christening,wedding or funeral, but i find the whole thing so interesting, i have been...
I'm just off the phone to the conclave of cardinals at the vatican who have asked me to ask you all for suggestions as to a suitable epitaph for the late Pope's tombstone. They're all pulling their...
As well as milly1984, I have also been victim to imposters. Can you not change the font of usernames or something so that people can tell the difference between an I and L in lower case. I don't...
Lately i've been getting a real itchy vagina and I have to keep it wet at all times, it is getting a little irritating for my boyfriend as he has to keep licking me all the time. What could this...
The expression I'm searching for goes along the lines of 'she couldn't wipe your shoes' ??? Or something like that, does anybody know what it is or am I talking rubbish as per? Cheers.
Is it just me or does anyone else think Sky News goes a bit over the top when reporting big events such as the Popes imminent death. They rabbit on in the studio over and over again, they show the...
What is the local news like in your area? In Scotland, it's really funny. It's just 'the main news' but with a scottish twist. Just after you've seen the main news! Main news: Pope dies; tsunami...
With the general election looming, what is the consesus opinion on having to demonstrate a certain level of political awareness before you are allowed to vote? I pose this...