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can any one recommend resorts and hotels to take a 6 year old on his first foreign holiday.
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Sorry for the stupid question but if anybody has been to Center Parks what sort of clothes do you think I should take away with me? Am I best sticking to joggers and trainers or should I take some...
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i'm off to olu deniz in Turkey on the 29th of september, my first ever holiday abroad,people keep saying they would'nt bother going because of the latest bombs etc! But i want to!! i have never been...
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my youngest daughter is about to start high school ( sniff sniff). I have been seperated from her father for over 2 years we are divorced and i have a new partner who lives with us. my daughter has...
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Trying to help sister to arrange a trip to New York, on a limited budget for June 2007. Can anyone recommend which companies do best deals - would hope to fly from Glasgow if possible. Would imagine...
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I have entered a competition on lastminute and the idea is to list as many summer/travel tips as you can AND, the important bit, get as many people as possible to visit YOUR tips. I have no chance of...
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i am so :-( i had my tooth extracted (lower tooth 2nd to back and a big double tooth) extracted on Wednesday - due to infection after infection. Anyway i am soooo down every time i look at the hole i...
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A friend of mine was booked onto a Ryanair flight the other week, everybody was checked in then shortly before boarding were told that there was a problem with the plane and the flight had been...
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Does anyone either know or know where to find out the percentage of 17 year old girls that have not had sex? I have not and feel left out.
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Have been guaranteed a charity place with marie curie cancer and have to raise a minimum of ?2500. anyone got any fundraising suggestions??
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i'd read that your hair thickens whilst your pregnant then goes back to normal after you've had your baby. my baby is now 4months old and i've started to lose huge amounts of hair everyday.does anyone...
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i havnt watched it this year is it any good??
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Where's a good place to go for a sun holiday in January - not more than 10 hours flying time from the UK.
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Hey i wonder if anyone can help me, basically lately my nails have been chipping and i dont mean right off i mean a thin layer of nail keeps chipping off the top almost like peeling off. And i was...
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i have to shave my legs evryday ! does anybody no of a way i wont have to shave everyday apart from going to a salon and getting them waxed (too expensive) thanks guys. p.s my hairs dont grow back...
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Tomorrow is the day of the hot date, I am so excited! We are going to La Tasca (a Spanish place) and I have looked at the menu and most of it contains garlic. Obviously I don't want to be smelling of...
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I have recently been harrassed by a man, he kept emailing me, phoning me, and then turning up at my house, leaving me presents. He kept sayin he is in love with me etc, i barely even know him and i...
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do you think they should be dressed the same? i think its okay to have them dress the same, but maybe in different colours, or with different hair, because they need to be individual, not just to be...
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One of my friends has recently decided to become a vegetarian (but still eat fish), cutting out things like gelatin too, although still keeping a leather coat and shoes. my question is, do you think...
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Any ideas for a homemade sauce to go with salmon & finnan haddock please.

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