Basically I have been laid off my job and my last day is Saturday but I'm worried about telling my mum as been made redundant before I just worry about telling her as she might disappointed that I'm...
In Christianity or Islam, they believe that Angels or Demons can travel at the speed of light (or close to it). And they can transform into other things like animals or objects (etc). But my question...
How would you show mankind that you 1) existed? 2) That you want the best for your creation? 3) That YOUR religion is the right one? Personally, I would create a system (been God, I could do what I...
Hi, It seems my 2 year old grandson doesn't like his dad anywhere near the same extent as his mum (my daughter) He refuses to be comforted by him if he has a bad dream etc he goes to mummy with just...
I know many people suffer from the above but still manage to go on. Are there any tips that if one can't fall asleep right away per se night after night after night - can one learn to accept and...
My daughter and son-in-law have offered to me the option of moving in with them when they buy a bigger house in a couple of years time. Ideally the house would be a four/five bedroom home with an...
At a wedding the bride died of cardiac arrest. So while her body was put in an adjoining room, the ceremony still went ahead and the groom married her sister....
Hi How do you store Cucumber.if I keep it in the fridge with the plastic on it goes soggy and the same outside the fridge.I am fed up with throwing them away.Please Help.! Thanks.
The SuperSpreading professional footballers who've been travelling throughout the UK for months now have today been allowed to enhance their super-spreading activities by taking thousands of fans with...
I am POA for my mum but my brother has asked my mum for £2.000 she said yes and phoned me to tell me I said I can’t gift your money unless it is for Christmas or birthdays. I gave my brother money 8...