I drive something which has 4 wheels and a steering-wheel - not a knowledgeable person and so am a stranger to this bit of answerbank. If this subject has been extensively covered before then I...
At this 22nd hour and counting , is it a waste of time for these party leaders to be bothering swooping into factory x or school x . Surely the electorate ( including floating voters ) have heard what...
I am listening to Cleggie being interviewed by Mr Humphrys. He has just said the he will talk to the Party that has the most MP's, after the Election. So it appears that he WILL form a coalition with...
http://www.independent.co.uk/news/business/news/hsbc-chief-says-uk-exit-review-will-be-complete-by-end-of-year--and-tory-policy-is-to-blame-10225675.html Why condemn the Tories when both Labour and...
just in from work and turned on bbc2 am delighted to see bingham ahead and performing brilliantly, after he was playing catch up all day yesterday i mentioned the other day that i always root for the...
Ed Miliband has promised to do ‘whatever is necessary’ to protect children in the West Midlands from sexual abuse if he becomes Prime Minister. The Labour leader said a report released by West...
I am having trouble with the birds I feed pulling leaves off my plants. The Sparrows ,blackbirds, starlings, pigeons and collar doves are pulling leaves off my ranunculus,sweet peas, thyme etc. the...
I've got an election poster in my window - and another big one on a stake in the front hedge. I think it's important to stand up and be counted - even if my neighbours are a tad bemused, they at least...
http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-3066934/Fears-raised-Islamic-radicalisation-British-universities-students-vote-Jihadi-John-apologists-anti-terror-bill.html Well the The National Union of...
Last one, swirling word around my head but can't convince myself.
6 letters D?P?E? - Don't think any letters are wrong.
Clue: Dish up Roman law twofold.
Di.... something?
Thanks in advance. :o)...
Let's put our cards on the table. No ifs and but ,who do we in ab support .tomorrow television will open with the headlines AB have came out in support of .. I think we should leave it as it is Tory /...
How is your knee Mrs. O?
Did you get any form of treatment or strapping up?
I had that happen to me once when I was alone and shall NEVER forget it!...
http://www.express.co.uk/news/politics/574576/Ukip-hits-migrant-Mediterranean-blackmail-crisis Should Britain's maritime support in the Mediterranean migrant problem, be put on hold because the EU...