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My partner takes care of his 11 month old baby 3-4 days/nights a week, when we have him its extremely hard work! I understand its hard work raising a baby but he's 11 months old and at night wakes up...
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What is the ban/fine for being caught doing 116mph??
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I have been caught doing 116mph,really stupid thing to do, but this a******E was trying to race me, Put my foot down to get rid of him, and WHAM there they are gun in hand, and stopped 500meters down...
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what's your favourite onomatopoeia ... that is, a word that sounds like the thing it's describing, like BOOM, or BANG?
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What type of force made them come of the ride? Re: e.wmv This is a good reason why motor bikes should be ban for any one under 21. I cant understand how...
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How is Mars a significantly hotter planet than Earth when it is further away from the Sun?
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tony mcscaff
what two substances have the lowest co-efficiant of friction
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If a new driver (passed test 6 months ago) and only 18 years old is convicted of a drink/driving offence what are the consequencies?
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I am going to court this month due to a driving conviction of driving without due care and attention. i would like to know what you think i will get given i.e a fine or points on my licence. etc.just...
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This question appears to have several people baffled. The tractor unit is plated for 44 tonnes; i.e. it gross train weight, It does not weigh 44 tonnes. The trailer is plated for 36 tonnes. Our boss...
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Right im currently practising for my theory test for next week - a question came up which totally confused me... What is the national speed limit on a dual carriageway for cars and motorcycles? I...
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Excellent!!! And if these reasons aren't enough, a child is almost 30 times more likely to suffer skull damage when hit by a 4x4 than a saloon car. So, are...
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I got caught doing 67mph in a 40mph zone (lucky I saw them when I did as I was speeding up lol) they were on the side of the road with their radar guns They said I was going too fast for a fixed...
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If two lines were drawn across the UK where, north of the top one, people say bath, path, glass (short "a") and south of the bottom one, they say "bahth", "pahth", "glahss" (long "a"), where would...
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In most religions women are treated like second class citizens.Why?
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As I was on my way home on the (electric) train it suddenly occured to me ; did the old steam engines have any form of gear box? I can't remember ever hearing of such a thing, so were they just direct...
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what is the meaning of well i`ll go`t foot of our stairs
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During this hot weather I have noticed an increase in the number of pregnant mums showing off their swelling bellies for all and sundry to see. Am I behind the times when I consider that even though...
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When the tide is out on the east side of the country is the tide out on the west side of the country?
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While waiting at a set of traffic lights today I drove on when everyone had finished crossing, not when they had changed. Does anyone know the penalty? I've looked at road traffic offences online and...

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