Does anyone know if you can register as a childminder just to look after your own grandchild. I used to be a registered childminder, but am not anymore. However my daughter is returning to work after...
The search in Wales for this little missing 5 year old girl (who hopefully will turn up safe and sound) reminds me of the hunt for missing Tia Sharpe during a few months ago. That was strange because...
Does anyone on here know anything about claiming your state pension and at the same time claiming child tax credit. Which I know is probably an unusual state of affairs !
Can anyone recommend a easy mobile phone for an old fogey like me. I use text, camera and telephone calls obviously, not so bothered about facebook etc. I definately want pay as you go - no contract...
when do girls go through those teenage years ? I cant remember how young they start. My daughter is almost 10 and getting very lippy - answering me back alot and arguing about things, she will walk...
When you phone a number I think that you can put 141 infront of the number you dial (or a landline or mobile - I think) and this will make your phone number undisclosed to the person you call. But is...
My mum has oil central heating, with a oil tank at the side of the house. Things keep going wrong with it now mum is on her own - no hot water mostly. Who would you call in to service oil central...
What would the cost of a gardener be - an ordinary family garden, just weeding boarders and cutting grass - maybe once a week. About two hours or maybe one and a half hours. Is it a hourly rate, or a...
Why do some people manipulate and manipulate their way into a favourable position, and then when someone suspects what is happening - they turn nasty and angry so that person backs down. Then they...
If someone has been on working tax credits and they want to stop claiming for various reasons - is there a best time to stop claiming. If you were to stop in "for example" January - would...
I have been a customer of Littlewoods catalogue for many years and for the very first time recently an order did not arrive. The order consisted of a number of garments totalling £90. I have...
My loo has been playing up for some time. It has not been flushing properly, my son broke part of the inside cystern off whilst trying to mend it and then turned the water off. So for two/three months...
I have a lovely labradoodle who is 2 years old, and she is very fussy with her food. I have always had labradors before and they will eat just about anything. Anyway, I wondered if anyone had any...
does anyone know what the price of new PVC guttering, fachias and soffits would be for a two bedroom detached bungalow. Thank you. I know it will only be an estimate.
I thought Jonathon Ross went a bit far tonight - when interviewing the lovely David Beckham - what was he doing showing everyone his underpants - I think he was trying to embarriss Beckham but only...
My kitchen drawer has broken. The front facing has come off on one side because the fitting has broken. Does anyone know the name of this fitting - or how I can buy a replacement on line - I have been...
Is it true that if you are Power of Attorney, or witness for the paperwork to appoint a Power of Attorney, then you may not be entitled to inheritance in that persons will. I cant see how this can be...