Milliband refuses to rule out military action. Could this be another case of here we go again? Aren't our troops overstretched as it is? And can we afford it?... After watching UK Border force, where employers are fined £10k for each illegal immigrant that they employ, why should Baroness Scotland be any...
My husband has been left a share in an investment bond policy (Scotland). He has just contacted the solicitor to cash in his share. Does anyone know how long it is likely to take please?
I find this totally unacceptable, do they think we are stupid? Expenses-Conservatives-Sir-Patrick-Cormack-And...
It has been reported in the news this morning that missed hospital appointments cost the NHS ?600 milion a year. How do they work this out? Don't they overbook appointments anyway? 2/Im-victim-people-attack-accent-moustache--Im -intellectual-moans-Defence-Secretary.html?ITO =1490 "But the former factory worker from Coventry insisted...
Lord Malloch Brown says the army don't have enough helicopters in Afghanistan, Gordon Brown says they do. Isn't it getting like a pantomime with one saying 'oh yes they do' and the other saying 'oh no...
Does anyone living in Scotland know how long it takes for probate to be granted in Scotland please? Also is the inheritance threshold the same as in England?
It's been reported in the press that Alistair Darling refused to move from the postition of Chancellor. I thought Gordon Brown was in charge, but I must be wrong! Is there a reason for letting him...
The party leaders have come up with new proposals for claiming their expenses. Is it right that they should be allowed to make the rules? Is it also right that there should be an independent body to...
Hope this is the right section! I can't get channel 5 on my sky box upstairs. I remember reading comething about channel 5 and sky but can't remember what it was or where I read it. Can anyone help...
I have recently bought a gas lift bar table and chairs for my kitchen. I am really pleased with them apart from one small problem. I have set the table to the right height but I can't stop it...
How much more of our money is Brown going to give away? The banks are getting another bail out tomorrow as well and what do we get? 2.5% off VAT! .stm...