My Grandad used to sing a silly ( was to me ) song with the lyrics ' susanna's a comical man ( parp ) fidlley diddley an ' Followed by lots of face pulling and farting noises' . Any ideas
The way that men behave when they pursue women is an open book but the way women behave to us men anyway is a mystery so there are a few questions I have for any women brave enough to answer them on...
Hey, im thinkin of getin a new hair cut (hav no idea wot its gona b like) but iv searched the net 4 ages & woz wonderin if any1 new any good sites thathad good pictures of hair cuts? Thanks alot. xxx
How does the Daily Mail get away with being so overtly racist, if a news program said a fraction of the things they do it would be taken off the air, yet its been going on for years. How do they get...
Any Answerbankers out there watch or participate in the BBC3 programme Celebdaq? It is quite good fun 'trading' in celebrities. Here's a link ( and no I'm not being paid for this! )...
What film or TV program had the best twist in the tail, no current ones cause we dont want to spoil the fun but classic ones that have been out a few years .Was there a twist in the plot that made you...
If you wrote all of the numbers from 300 to 400 (333, would count as 3 threes...) on a piece of paper, how many times would you have written the number 3?
I've recently found out that I'm pregnant for the first time. Now I'm relying on all you Answerbankers for some good advice. Things like remedies for morning sickness, what I really need to buy and...
This has probably been done before but what is your favourite line from a song? Mine is 'Pretty women out walking with gorillas down my street' by Joe Jackson.
Are there any chains of shops or shops in England that sell brand name clothes at cheap prices ? Like if I see a nike jumper make of polyester that's been knocked together by a machine in 5 minutes I...
I was once told that McDonalds have to give you free refills on soft drinks as a policy, but they keep it hush-hush. I did it once in one far from home (to avoid embarassment) and they just poured me...