1ac.An imposition,endless blinking lowly status for oldies(8). ??MBL?SS?.
2d.Human kindness shown by repayment of debt,wad pocketed(6).?B??TU. Help appreciated....
Last 2 - one hinges on the other so I am completely stuck viz 10down (10) Tea in top floats with trimmings ?AS?A?E?TS and 25 across (9) Last afternoon in shreds for Christians in Iraq M???AIT?S - dont...
4d Poet's resistance smashed? Not a shred of evidence (5) STO?D
25a Last afternoon in shreds for Christians in Iraq (9) M?N?AIT?S
Thanks for any help...
19ac.Roman figures keep current uniforms cleaner(6).???U??
20d.Champ who's popular in the gallery?(5) ??N??. The last letter of 19 is the first of 20.
Help appreciated...
16d Medical condition of Washington secretary and relative (8) ?T?N?S?S I presume it is STENOSIS (which I had to look up dammit, otherwise I wouldn't have had to cheat this week). OK the relative is...
Great fun and having different formats for clues kept me on my toes. Not a theme I knew well but with the internet it's not too much of a problem. What would we do without it? Thanks Samuel. What has...
Drawn a blank on bottom LHS. 23D would help. One caught in mischief forbidden by Sharia ??r?m, First thoughts were a HARIM, one in harm for mischief? Also 11a. Fine binding material, forbidden when it...
Ive ground to a halt in top left corner-help please. 12ac.Like centres of palm,beginning to leaf in spring(5). V??A?. 16ac.Countess,fine in character innately(6).?R?FI?
For those who don't receive CAM in the post, the Lent Crossword, 'One or Other' by Wan, is now online (page 48):http://www.alumni.cam.ac.uk/news/cam/cam68/CAM68.pdf...