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how do i clean old coins of no real value?
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Hey guys! Missed ya all. Well as you all know broke up with ma fella. Really missing him thoug :-(. I dunno if its him Im missing or just the routine! You know what I mean. Anyways... How do you ABers...
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was watching easties lst nite and sean slater has been away for a bit, but forgot how fit he was. got soooooooo jealous when he kissed carly. BITCH. and hes going out with jess from Hollyoaks. BITCh....
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Well I've finally broke up with my boyfriend!!! Feel very relieved yet a little gutted. Since last year hes been promising that we'd go on holiday together! His Mum wanted to go Malta in August, yet...
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where can i buy either a battery or gas operated hair dryer or hot air brush. I need one for a boat trip where there is no power outlet for such items.
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Thinking on from a question posted in a different catergory, if you and you other half want to talk about certain things in front of innoncent ears, do you have your own little codes you use? If you...
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Hi all, quick question, my new boyf is 6"5. I'm not (5"9, little short man). It's kinda wigging me out a little but he thinks Im being ridiculous as he doesn't see it as an issue. Anyone got a...
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I still feel rubbish a week after catching this cold. I feel as ill as I did on the 1st day : ( Anyone think of anything i can do/take to feel better? x
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I got woken up this morning to my 5 year old son in tears this morning because the cat had 2 holes in her head. I ran down the stairs thinking she had been knocked over but instead found her intact,...
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This has happened a lot to me recently when you think of some one then a text arrives from them. I left my phone up stairs most of the day so i thought id better see if I've had any missed calls or...
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Two wrongs do not make a right. However, looking at the poor cat below and the incessant chav and thug culture many English towns have befallen to from both our children and imported ones, would you...
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I have been with my bf for 8 months. Him and his wife split up last year after 17 years, 5 years of it they were married. They were always breaking up and getting back together, he had an 18 month...
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Gonna throw this out in a couple of catorgories as hopefully someone can answer....In the states, I believe they have pictures of missing children on the side of milk cartons etc, can anyone suggest a...
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Hiya! Wondering if any body knows of a good foundation that has medium coverage not a matte finsh, I quite like foundations that have a dewy finsh or a healthy glow effect. Can't find a nice one...
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Only 7 weeks to go until I go on hols. Anyone going anywhere nice this year?
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Is this taking censorship too far /DIY/Question405168.html Please feel free to fill in the missing word.
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Mr Tall
reminds you of being young. This morning whilst washing my hair I used Vosene shampoo, my missus buys the blue one but must have picked up the normal one by mistake. It really took me back to being...
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Doc Spock
Do you believe, I do otherwise why am I here?
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Hello Abers! My mate has been offered to go work in Egypt for 6months. And she told her bloke about it, and he said he dont want her to go, but if she does he wouldn't wait for her. I told her I can...
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AB Asks
Scientists have warned that oral sex can raise your risk of getting throat cancer. The study found the act can pass on human papillomavirus (HPV), which can trigger the specific cancer in men and...

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