does anyone know if a cherry tree and a rowan tree has very deep roots i have each to chop down and also want to dig up the roots will it be hard to get the roots out they are both about 20 feet high...
there are loads of companies that sell flyscreens on line does any one know of any that are available at any stores so that you actually see before you buy
can anyone tell me if fly screen doors are available anywhere( not internet) the kind you see on the television eg neighbours they are proper frames and open outwards?
can anyone help suggest a product to use on cracked and bubbly ceilings there used to be a product called stipple but it is not available now. ( not artex please). has any one tried sand mixed in with...
Has anybody got any tips on what to use on the doors of a shower cubicle to keep them clean and sparkly as i am fed up with having to clean them all the time because of the water marks?????
i want to have some dark blonde highlights in my dark brown hair, i sort of know which colour but don't know how to have them put in as some have like chunks in their hair which looks quite nice but i...
me and my sister really want some ducks but my mom and dad say thay create lots of mess is this true? and how can you make it that they don't if is true?