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moggie 939
Hello again Since solving my recent problems with slow starting I now have another! Every time I go into a website it asks me to enter my password details. Even though I tick the box to 'remember'...
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Following on from the hot lead from "Have I Got News For You", does having Neil Hamilton backed with the pushy Christine Hamilton helped the UKIP cause? Just wondered?...
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I fancy having a go at copying these....
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Oh dear its happened again. After all the comment about Farage employing his German wife, and then the racist Zimbabwean who appeared in their party political broadcast, it tirns out that the...
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is he wrong, if so why, he has been roundly pilloried for his comments by any number of scientists, academics, and so forth,...
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Has anyone tried it? Was it effective?
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She is 42, we have had a complicated relationship, with many years lost. We are in touch again and she has left her boyfriend in Luxenbourg and is now homeless. She has no proper job or status over...
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whilst out yesterday i saw some men and women dressed in a way you rarely see, i concluded these were Orthodox Jews going on past experience, however i wondered the following, without resorting to...
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With a Ragu tomato and mushroom sauce or a bolognaise sauce. Mic can digest boneless skinless chicken breast. I buy all sorts of sauces to cook it in but i'm running out of ideas....
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I want to buy one, and wonder if anyone can recommend a good all-round model which will accept non-manufacturers inks without problems, please.
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Hardly a question but : Due to totally overwhelming demand in naomi24's Water Divining thread, (well 2 requests actually) here is a basic description of an alternative view of time I mulled over....
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Hi there respected people, readers and lovers in this site. I want to share together with you a few information and facts that may be useful to you. I'm sure some of us love to eat tasty. An...
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In a recent study researchers at the University of Manchester suggested that there was a direct correlation between a higher number of visits to 'religious places' and low crime figures. Not only did...
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Paris-Roubaix today, could we hope for a Wiggins win? Personally I don't think he'll do it, but you never know. Anyone else going to be watching?
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I've had to abandon XP and install W7. I used before, iespell here on AB and other places by right clicking on the text, but this no longer seems to be possible to use it on W7. How can I now check on...
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My granddaughter goes to a C of E school and amongst her RE homework were two questions which she apparently got wrong, despite the fact she had asked her Sunday School teacher. 1. What is meant by '...
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Hi, Just before Christmas last year my husband sold a piano (second hand not new), the purchaser (who is a barrister) came to view the piano played it and decided to go ahead with the purchase. My...
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The first will demonstrate to climate change deniers that in the past man's actions have had consequences for the entire world and could again. The second, no less important, could show to those who...
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The original question ….. has any non-religious literary work had a positive influence on your life? The follow up question …. if so, in what way?...

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