Last night we had another demonstration of absurdity; Alexander Armstrong tracing his ancestry back to William the conquerer! Will someone please point out to these gormless participants the simple...
I have a flight of steps in the garden which have glazed tiles on the treads which become very slippery when wet. Has anyone any ideas how I can make them safer please?
Hope I'm in the right section. Does one use a question mark when one asks a rhetorical question in print. For example - "It's exhausting, isn't it". Should there be a question mark?
The woods around these parts in Southern Germany are plagued with ticks. Our new rescue dog loves to go for walks in the forests ( so do we ). We have tried various treatments of the spot-on type but...
New computer came with German keyboard, didn't like it so replaced it with my old UK English one which now operates as if it was American. ie. the pound sybol shows # etc. Last time I requested help...
I have a Honda Civic which is mostly problem free, the only thing it doesn't like is short runs then being switched off. If you try to re-start within a few minutes it won't catch. It's OK if you...
Hi! So, lately I've been having a shortage of ideas for drawing. Maybe somebody could help me? Maybe you have some interesting ideas or you've been writing a story of some sort that I could actually...
Considering every aspect of life including the person such as race, religion, gender and age, as well as how well of they were (probably quite would be the answer) aswell as when they'd be alive and...
The default setting of dimensions in Photoshop is always given in inches and I have to manually change everything into centimeters all the time. Can I change this please ?
If a sum of money is deposited in an offshore (Isle of Man) account by a UK taxpayer and interest on it is paid gross, does the bank automatically inform the British Inland Revenue of the fact and...
I have a circa 1950's German, Noris Trumpf halogen 5x5 +6x6 cm. slide projector, which I use a lot for my work. It has suddenly started to turn off the light for a few seconds and then come back on...
Has anyone ever attempted to compile a list of the physical appearance of the characters in Joyce's novel? For example Stephen Dadalus is rather scruffy (Bohemian) and has a bushy moustache,- he he...
I recently terminated my contract with Vodafone. I asked them to supply me with the code so that I could change it to pay as you go with the network of my choice. The next thing I knew was they sent a...