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I am looking to buy a new mobile phone,at the moment have a Windows 8.1 but as of 29th March cannot use Messenger ,cannot download the app.they tell me my phone will.not support it. also cannot...
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I was going to buy a silver dip and just dunk it in but I'm not sure what that will do to the stone. Has anyone actually tried the alternative methods such as foil and baking soda etc? Did it work?
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I want to create a new folder in my Hotmail emails,I used to be able to do so easily,but since the site was "updated",can`t. I go to MOVE there and one can see NEW FOLDER at the bottom,one...
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though a very talented actor the over use of the "tear stick" and his continuous whispery voice is begining to great on me. the addition of "faith" sally dexter is working well for me...
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is to star in Rodgers and Hammersteins Carousel, alongside Alfie Boe. Personally i can't stand the warbler, and feel she will crush the beautiful song You'll never walk alone....
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Looking for a hard wearing paint for my wooden kitchen cupboards that will stand up to knocks etc....any suggestions out there.???
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How do I add pics to my post on here?
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I stupidly decided to clear out a lot of the junk that I have in the house. As a natural hoarder this is really difficult for my to accomplish. I have found a box full of wires and mice (probably...
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I have a timer switch for my boiler on the wall,the dial sort which has little blue and red slides to select times of on and off.One of these for switch off is not working so who can I get to come and...
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friend of mine, who's a long-term user of AB, says he prefers it how it was. His biggest problem now is it no longer works on his iPad. Is he alone in that or is he missing something?
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Ok so do we think that Lee is under the bus or not? And the missing little boy? Is he also under the bus but Lee has shielded him? (Yes I know it's not real lol)...
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I just wonder about the above as so many young people have got "sleeves" done - and pretty much all over their bodies. When these young people get old - these tatoos will be horrendous on an old body....
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Food for thought? The complete article copied and pasted below.
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I'm watching it with a kind of morbid fascination. Watching Trumps family parade in - the women all look like they are plastic and more fitting with the Kardashians. And after they've shown previous...
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Has anyone got personal experience from taking Renitidine? I'm supposed to take two 150g twice a day. Doctor swapped from Omeprazole. I took one about 8.00am but felt really weird after. Felt really...
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I have bought a piece of Perspex from a company online,which needed a 20mm Radius corner on left side,however,I have discovered on the comfirmation email that they have put the RIGHT hand side . As it...
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Heard a bit of language in Eastenders. It's unusual for this time of night
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When I eat alone I have to have the TV or stereo on. Can you eat alone without distractions?...
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I've had these for a while. Over the ĺast 4 nights they've been particularly heavy, pyjamas and sheets soaked. Any thoughts? I go to have a blood sample taken tomorrow....
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Been a great day here in N/Kent, blue sky, brilliant sunshine and not too windy, still a bit too cool though. Took the dogs out for 2+ hours this morning, went down the Country Park at Reculver....

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