My friend and her daughter are having a slight disagreement over whether it's a Ladybird or Ladybug.
What do you call it?
Please simply answer Ladybird or Ladybug
Thank you...
Am sure I know the answer but just checking. My 22 yr old son was driving today with his one yr old baby in back seat in a car seat. A woman jumped a red light on a crossroads and smashed into the...
Its Carnival time in Germany, and throughout the land there are processions and floats with "hilarious" giant depictions of the Donald. But perhaps Douglas Murray (whom God preserve) has a point here,...
People have gone to jail for pulling a Hijab off a woman's face, but a man with 3 previous racist hate crimes, goes free for spitting in bays face, as he has Physiological problems!!!... /// A spokesman for the Grand Mufti said Ms Le Pen's aides had been...
As usual Katie Hopkins, voices her opinion and I am sure she is not alone in her opinion both against this pathetic debate and the hordes of lefties and other minority groups who chose to take to the...
Turnbull and Asser sell these shirts ... I used to buy them for my ex for work ... but they only do them...
Hello peoples...Sorry to keep you waiting for new one. Just follow song with one of your own . Have fun and most importantly play nice. Love cupid04. xx I'll start you off with :- Love is like a...
lets have a laugh on here today,i am embarrassed to tell you's this but here goes; visiting a friend last week I felt I needed a 'POO',so went to the toilet and sat sideways on the pan,great...
Do you find it nauseous when other people tell you how 'good' they are? Had to attend a mental health well being group today and were asked to describe ourselves as we see it. Some of the comments...