Whats the best way of preventing cats messing in my garden. I've tried sprays and cut up lemons but nothings worked. Heard tiger poo was good but not managed to get any! Any help would be much...
http://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/main.jhtml;jse ssionid=SFHGNPILHFBMHQFIQMFSFGGAVCBQ0IV0?xml=/ news/2006/12/20/ublair120.xml Has the deputy President of Iraq hit the nail on the head. Has he said...
The internet has been predicting a War with Iran for the last couple of years. Most people would think the very idea as madness while US/UK are bogged down in Afghanistan ans Iraq. However,...
Now that Hamas and Fatah are showing their true colours and are now killing each other on the streets of Gaza, should Israel trust either one in future talks about peace?
A senior policeman has reputedly been implicated as a client of at least 2 of the murdered prostitutes. With the police saying that the murderer seems to have knowledge of DNA etc hence dumping them...
With the introduction today of a new electric sports car should we applaud this quiet revolution or be concerned about the danger to pedestrians or cyclists? Should they have devices fitted that emit...
why do filling stations persist in always showing something .9. after all these years surely no one is fooled and it looks stupid . no other country i have visited does this. is there another reason?
My diesel Ford Courier van takes a while to start in the morning and gives it's usual cloud when it does. The engine has 'no guts' until it's warmed right up and I've noticed that its very slow going...
Prince Willie having done his customary two weeks training has now been made an army "officer" My maternal grandfather fought in the great war and was shot and mustard gassed in the great war and died...
i'be got a pretty old philips tv,and i wastrying to tune it in and i accidentily locked it :/ and now i cant unlock it,and im worried im going to have to buy a new tv. i havent got a working remote...